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Have you ever experienced playing golf when all of the sudden you lose control of your swing? No matter how you adjust everything, from your angle to your swing, nothing changes. It’s infuriating that you can do nothing which could cost you the game.

Well, here are some tips to recover from the blow and get you back on the game.

Mid-round golf tip: Back to basics

Out of the blue, you are losing control. Your round is starting to throw bad rocks at you. Working on your swing during the round doesn’t help at all when you are losing control. Don’t worry. It’s an easy fix. Check the basics – your grip, alignments, and the position of the ball – like the pros do. Notice how they set-up the ball before every shot because they know that the basics defines your every shot.

Mid-round golf tip: Get in rhythm

Regardless of how great you are at playing golf, there will be days that you briefly lose your rhythm amidst a round of golf. To regain your composure, try to relax and practice a couple of swings just like what you would do during warm up. This would ease the tension on your muscles. Some say that singing to yourself while swinging could help you with your tempo.

Mid-round golf tip: Close your eyes

Closing your eyes while doing your practice swings will make you focus on your swing rather than focusing on the ball. Overly focusing on hitting the ball will make you lose your swing thus, making bad shots during the round.

Mid-round golf tip: When putting, look at the hole

In order not to miss short putts, look at the hole and not on the ball. This will lose your focus on hitting the ball and will naturally release the putter head through the contact zone. This will also release some tension during the round.

Check out some more great tips on other posts here  and here also :


Fix your Golf Game

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