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While watching TV the other day, I came across a channel where it streams highlights during a live tournament of golf. And as a golf fan, I stopped surfing channels and watch the highlights. What caught my attention was a certain professional golfer was stuck in a bunker (he had a fried egg) which is common for amateurs. He took a big, long swing from the lie.


From what I perceived, it was just a mis-hit. After his swing, the ball just flew at about 2 feet way and came back rolling to where it was before. All I could think of while watching was that I hope I that he had some type of professional  golf instruction St Louis  to coach this guy.

When you are stuck into a situation like this, you would not want to do what this guy did. The whole point is to make your ball pop and get it out of the sand. You should use your sand wedge and stick your club head into the sand. In this way, your ball won’t have to spin because of the sand. This idea is perfect because it will allow you to get under the ball, the area where the half of the ball is located. Without any follow through on your swing, it lets you cover the space below the ball.  LOL I just saw a lady on Twitter tweeting about this.


On a common bunker shot, open stance, clubface, and a shallow swing with a little bit of sand will not work on a situation like this. No matter how hard, strong, or powerful your swing is, the ball will just bounce off your club, hitting too much sand into the right of the ball, and will get you nowhere like the professional golfer did on television. You need to hit the sand underneath the ball.  This is a common golf lesson that all players should have.

The following steps are my recommendations for this kind of situation:

  • Your stance should be a bit squarer.

  • Like your stance, square a bit your club face too. This will allow you to hit the sand first.

  • Swing your club a little bit steep and stick your club into the ground. Make sure you hit the sand at about 1-3 inches behind the ball. Remember, whatever your swing is, just don’t follow through.


This is a situation where you can’t face every single play but there’s nothing wrong to practice. Hit some shots like this and you will notice that it’s not that hard to get out of this situation. You can use this technique especially if you will be stucked like this in a tournament. This is a simple solution to a simple problem.  You can even get some golf video lessons online nowadays.

Great Golf Instruction

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